
10 best places to watch the World Cup final in Beijing

作者:Jiang Wanjuan 來(lái)源:chinadaily.com.cn
2014-07-11 15:18:03

The liveliest - The Local

10 best places to watch the World Cup final in Beijing

Customers watch a game at The Local during the 2014 World Cup. [Photo provided to China Daily]

If you prefer watching the game with a big crowd, The Local never disappoints. The spacious two-floor Sanlitun American pub features a good selection of imported draft, local craft brews, American food and of course a full house of people cheering up for their teams.

Where: Courtyard 4, Gongti Beilu, Chaoyang District (010-65919525)

10 best places to watch the World Cup final in Beijing

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